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Social Welfare is our Responsibility

“You don’t have to be in a position of power to make [effect] change, but you need to know how to get your story across”. Emelie Jimenez

Welfarism is understood as a moral theory, that what one should do is ultimately determined by considerations of well-being.

The UN, through the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and specialized agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO), works toward improving health and welfare conditions around the world.

The right action, policy or rule is the one leading to the maximal amount of well-being. There are many ways that you can help the underprivileged in your community. You can volunteer your time, donate money or resources, or advocate for change.

No matter what you do, your contribution can make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

How would you contribute to the development of the community?

  1. VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME: Unpaid volunteers are often the glue that holds a community together. Volunteering allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place. Even helping out with the smallest tasks can make a real difference to the lives of people, animals, and organizations in need.
  2. DONATE MONEY OR RESOURCES: Donating your money to help the needy is part of a way of giving back to your community. Donating your blood at the hospital can also be a contribution to society. Live to give.
  3. ADVOCATE FOR CHANGE: In addition to volunteering your time or donating money and resources, you can also help by advocating for change. Speak up about issues that affect the underprivileged in your community. Write letters to elected officials, participate in protests and marches, and start conversations with family and friends about how we can work together to create a more just and equitable society. Know your facts, listen to people you want to help, engage with the community, Build relationships and Don’t give up.

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